"I represented a number of these woman back in another life. They were trafficked, back then, primarily from the ROK, just as the article says, including the age group. That someone would make a rap son g about them and ad insult to injury by mocking their accent is deeply offensive. I have repeatedly said that I like Germany's hate speech regulations far better than what I consider the overly broad projection provided for abusive degradation of racial, ethnic and religious groups.
§ 130: Incitement to hatred
Main article: hate speech
Section 130 makes it a crime to:
incite hatred against segments of the population or call for violent or arbitrary measures against them in a manner capable of disturbing the peace
to insult, maliciously malign, or defame segments of the population in a manner capable of disturbing the peace
disseminate, publicly make accessible, produce, obtain, supply, stock, offer, announce, commend, undertake to import or export, or facilitate such use by another of written materials that assaults the human dignity of others by insulting, maliciously maligning or defaming segments of the population or a previously indicated group
approve of, deny or downplay an act committed under the rule of National Socialism in a manner capable of disturbing the peace."
There Are No 'Happy Endings' At An Illegal Asian Massage Parlor
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